Lean In
“Lean in,” I heard. It was a simple, quiet statement.
My bestie, Kendra, and I were cruising along the Pali heading towards Lahaina on some made-up errand (in Maui, you FIND places to go…) when it dropped in my spirit with a thud. Boom.
Lean in…
A calm, electrified silence had just befallen us as Kendra recounted a conversation God initiated with her the week before. She’d wanted to see some measurable signs of increase and abundance in her life - the kind of abundance she saw others enjoying - and God had burst into her reverie with an instruction:
“Build like you expect what you’re building to last forever.”
She said she realized in that moment that her intentionality about her next moves lacked conviction. They were good moves (anyone would applaud them) but she knew in her heart that she was playing it safe. She knew she wasn’t building for keeps.
When Kendra stopped talking, I let the enormity of her disclosure settle into my heart and saw immediately that I was just like her. I was doing a good job of building a new life after all the tragedy I’d experienced - sure - but the fire wasn’t there. I was playing scared and no one but me and God really knew it.
“Lean in…” He breathed and a slight panic washed over me like one of the tiny waves lapping a few feet away from the traffic contraflow.
‘What if the bottom dropped out again? How could I trust that I wouldn’t wind up in a million pieces? How could I trust God? Where was He when the bottom dropped out last time??’
My hamster brain was a-scurrying and all my unspoken questions and fears swirled between Kendra and I as we drove along silently in my X5.
Lean in…
I knew what that meant. It meant:
\ Stretching a little farther to embrace (even the
idea of) joy and hope for the future. Forreal.
\ Releasing more fear that the bottom might drop
out. Again.
\ Trusting that the worst is behind and the best is yet
Lean in. Drink deep.
Dream again and then dream bigger.
Hope and expect to receive. No matter what it looks like around you. It can get better.
Speak. Command. Release the word (read: my submitted desires + my will) to the angelic host that surround me and watch it become real before my very eyes.
Walk through the doors WHEN they open.
Because it’s a new season. Harvest season.
And the goodness that’s raining down in this time - yeah, it’s time to collect our inheritance, Loves ✨✨
Leeeeeaaan in… Downloadingggg 💬
🎺🎺 It’s a new day! One of overflowing blessing and answered prayers. I pray that you - and we all - would gain a revelation of the time, kind and quality of abundance in which we now stand. Because if we can see it, we can speak it. And if we can speak it, then we can have it. Because God loves us.
Oooowwweeee!! 😁 Let the party begin!!
The imprint of God’s creative spirit dwells in us - whether active or dormant - and our words can carry life or destruction. I know, I know. I’ve heard it before too. But what’s true is true no matter how trite it may sound. My desire today is:
First and foremost, that we would be re/filled with the life-giving spirit of the Creator of all that is so we’ll have life to speak. Just invite Him in and ask for His Spirit and He’ll give it to you. It really is that simple.
That fresh hope, clarity and vision like we’ve never known would fall upon us from on high and utterly consume us.
That our new eyes and freshly-filled spirits would give enough strength to believe that maybe (just maybe) brighter days are ahead. Because they are 🍃
For our higher vision to take over what we see in front of us and directly impact what we say AND how we say it. Because remember, baby: when you speak, creation bends to manifest what you’ve spoken 💥💥
For you to discover for yourself that God loves you and will help you build your next chapters with intentionality, determination, and an unwavering oath to see you standing in the winner’s circle.
Now say this with me, “I’m leaning in today. It’s a good day because I say it is. I command this day to _______________ (fill in with whatever life words you want to see become reality). Now let it be so!”
I add my agreement with your declaration in the Spirit now and each time you do this. May your words return to you swiftly with power and bearing the very thing you spoke - plus the extra goodies you didn’t think of because God is just that good and that’s how He rolls.
God bless you, Loves. Have a beautiful day and I’ll talk to you soon 💘
~ Love, Shannon